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Virtuoso PA - Virtual Assistant Exeter

How to Acquire Virtual Assistant Clients

One of the most often asked questions I’ve received over the past four and a half years of running my virtual assistant business is, “How do you get virtual assistant clients?”

Unfortunately there is no one stop fits all answer. It’s not easy, but, nobody has ever said it was. If you’ve heard from someone that it’s easy. It’s a scam, and you’ve been told a porky. Walk away from it now, save your money and take note of this article.

I started my VA business back in 2012 with a client on board – she’s thankfully still a client. Over the past four and a half years I’ve had 21 retained clients; by retained I mean that they signed a retained client contract and I’ve supported and invoiced them on a regular ongoing monthly basis for a number of months. As of today I am supporting 17 retained clients who I am working with, and invoice every month.

You need a steady stream of Virtual Assistant Clients if you want to keep going as a Virtual Assistant; our business model is unique. It’s work, work and more work believe me.

Where have I obtained my Virtual Assistant Clients?

If you’re a new Virtual Assistant start with the obvious:

Family and Friends

I wouldn’t have even thought of being a Virtual Assistant if it wasn’t for one of my friends. I had recently moved back to my home city of Exeter and was looking for paid employment. My friend and client is Self-Employed. I was envious of her lifestyle. I soon discovered that it wasn’t all easy work and time off for her. She explained that after she finished her core business day work, she then had to start on her business admin, bookkeeping and marketing. We both had a light bulb moment. My niche virtual assistant client and Virtuoso-PA was born from that day.

Random out of the blue Virtual Assistant Clients

The motto of this paragraph is, always be prepared; I have gained five Virtual Assistant Clients, four of whom are still active clients, from bus stops and supermarket queues. I always carry business cards with me and I have a hessian shopping bag with my business logo on – no posh car decal needed here. No matter who you get chatting to in the most seemingly mundane of places let them know what you do; If they’re interested, give them a business card. Let them know you can be a solution to their or their friend’s problems.

If you are an established VA. Gain Virtual Assistant Clients through:


This is a massive one; If you excel with one client they are sure to pass your details over to their business contacts. Give them a bonus thank-you for the referral and set-up a referral offer. Look on it like a domino trail. All you need is one client who has multiple business contacts and your business will take off. In my case at the very low cost to me of 10% off a future invoice.

Strategic partnership

Take note, and be on the look out for strategic partnerships. I worked with one client on a one off admin project. That client also knew that I had completed different work for other clients within their business network as I just happened to mention it. They didn’t have anyone on their payroll who offered the expertise I showed. 

They have since passed work over to me continuously if and when their clients are asking for my specific business support and expertise.

I’ve been the proud owner of Virtuoso-PA for nearly five years now.

I’m a single middle aged woman with no dependent children, I also don’t have any secondary income. My VA business is my livelihood and for that reason my Virtual Assistant Clients pay my rent and keep me clothed and eating daily.

I once read that to succeed in small business you have to be hungry for it. Without my Virtual Assistant Clients I’d be homeless and starving, so follow these simple tips to succeed.

Build up a steady client base, eat, think and be your Virtual Assistant business everyday of your VA life.

Shout it loud and be VA proud.

Plus, be excellent at what you do. You won’t need gongs and awards if you follow my free advice.

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