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How to Re-purpose and Refresh Your Content

Re-purpose and Refresh Your Content to Reuse

Keeping content fresh is an important part of making content marketing work for your business. A really fast way to boost the effectiveness of the content you’ve worked hours on is to re-purpose and refresh the content you already have. I can’t think of anyone who, while running a small business has the time to write a daily blog, especially if you haven’t the funds to support a team of content writers.

Adding to the equation content gets old, and information becomes outdated. That doesn’t mean it needs to be deleted though – it can be salvaged and continue to provide excellent results. Likewise, content can be reused and re-purposed in other ways into new formats that help produce more traffic.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t throw old content away ~ reuse and recycle.”]

Here’s how I repurpose and refresh my content:

Turn Blog Posts into an eReport

Compile blog posts that are about the same topic into an eReport. Add some images, nice headers, special formatting, affiliate links, and turn it into a PDF format and sell it or give it away to your audience. You can use the Anthologize plugin for WordPress to help make this easier.

Anthologize link –

Update One Old Blog Post Every Day

Start from the first post you wrote, or the first piece of content you created, and update it. You can ensure that the information is accurate today. You can append onto the old blog post notes about how things have changed or not changed, as the case may be, update images and more to make older content get better results.

Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a Report

Use images from the report, the headlines of the report, and bullet points to create a presentation that can be placed online at SlideShare or used for an in-person or online event or a class on Udemy.

SlideShare link –

Udemy link –

Create a Video from a PowerPoint

You can go even further with the PowerPoint slide show and create a video with a voice-over. This is a great way to put information on YouTube or you can put it on a membership website and charge a small fee for viewing that information.

Create a Podcast from a Report or Blog Post

Some short reports or blog posts are perfect for discussing in podcast format. Once you create a podcast you can also put them on iTunes so that people can download to listen to on the go. You can also post them on the site right with the blog post or information in question so your audience has a choice about how they consume your content.

Create an Email Course from a Small “How to” Report

Another way to re-purpose content is to break up a how to report into a 7- to 14-day email course. Simply load into your auto responder for easy automatic delivery when your customer signs up.

Turn Quotes from a Report into Pinterest Pins

Within each report you’ve created you probably have a few really good lines and quotes either of your own or from a popular figure that you can add to an image and share on Pinterest (or Facebook and Twitter). Link back to the full report for added impact.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t think outside the box, think of what you could be doing WITH the box.”]

Rewrite and Update Old Reports and EBooks

While you’re re-purposing your old reports and eBooks you may as well give them a facelift. Freshen the images, the design, the content for accuracy, and make needed additions. Offer anyone who purchased the first one a deep discount on the upgrade, and then re-market the upgrade.

Keep New Content Coming Regularly

While you reuse, re-purpose and refresh, don’t forget to keep the new content coming on a regular basis. Your entire content strategy should include regular content as much as it includes re-purposed and refreshed content.

I try to write and publish a blog every week, but if that’s not possible; I know I have lots of fresh content to use and share.

Re-purposing and refreshing old content is an important way to increase website traffic, using work that you’ve already completed can liven up your website and blog, make information more current and accurate, and in the process increase traffic. After you’ve updated the content, or created it into a new form, share it again so that you can get the most out of all the content you’ve created over the years.

Have I missed anything? Let me know if I have and perhaps suggest other ways to re-purpose and refresh content in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading

Re-purpose and Refresh content

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Website by Nettl of Exeter