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How to Kick-start Your Momentum

 Momentum is a Great Thing

At its height, it makes you unstoppable. It’s the times when everything seems to come together effortlessly and your business just gets better and better. It flows and glides with ease.

Unfortunately, keeping momentum isn’t always easy. A lot of us find that coming up with ideas or getting stuck into a project are great fun, but staying dedicated once the going gets tough isn’t always so much fun.

So how do you kick-start your momentum when things slow down?

Here are a few ideas that I use:

1 – Remind yourself why. This may seem obvious but sometimes just taking a step back and remembering why you’re doing this is a great starting place for kick-starting momentum. Focus on how you felt when you started the project or business, and remind yourself of your goals and desires.

2 – Keep track of your goals. If you haven’t done so already, writing your goals down will help you focus and stay energised about your business. We all need something to work towards and having clear goals will help make it easier to stay focused.

You may want to update your goals regularly and make adjustments as necessary.

3 – Take a break. This may seem like a contradiction, but taking time off to recharge your batteries can make a big difference to your energy levels. A little time off completely away from work (even if it’s just a few hours) can help you refocus and come back energised and refocused once again.

Taking a little time off may also help you organise your thoughts and you may even find solutions and new ideas you hadn’t thought of previously. At the very least it will give you a nice break and help you recharge your batteries.

4 – Create visuals. Decorate your office with visuals that keep you inspired. You may want to add a few pictures of your family members or perhaps a few inspirational quotes and pictures. Creating a goals board with your written goals and pictures to represent those goals may also be very helpful.

Staying focused isn’t always easy, especially when you work from home, but it is possible. These ideas will help you get the creative juices flowing and kick-start the momentum once again. If you need further help or advice please do get in contact.

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