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8 Free Tools and Software to Streamline Your Business

Free Tools and Software to Streamline Your Business

Starting up in business can be an expensive time and you don’t want to make any costly mistakes, especially where purchasing tools and software for your business is concerned. People love quoting that nothing in life is free, but when it comes to awesome tools and software that you can put into use for your business right now, nothing could be further from the truth. There are an array of great free tools and software available that can help you run your entire business.

Here are 8 free tools and software that I used back when I started out as a virtual assistant, and in the majority of cases still use the free version today.

1. Echo Sign – EchoSign is a web-based electronic signature and content management system. Its major features centre in document signing, tracking and filing. I am a sole user and it is therefore free for me to use the account, but it’s limited to five transactions in a rolling 30-day window. Prices for unlimited documents and users vary.

Link: –

2. Drop Box – Dropbox keeps your files safe, synced, and easy to share. Take your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and never lose a file again.

Link: Drop Box –

3. Microsoft Security Essentials – If you use a Microsoft operating system then you want to start using their own Microsoft Security Essentials virus software. It works very well at keeping your computer safe and working well without viruses, malware or worms. If you’re currently paying for another system, you’re wasting your money. If you’re using a Windows 10 then download and use Windows Defender.

Link: Microsoft Security Essentials –

4. Freedcamp – If you have a need for a project management system, you should try which is…free. It offers the ability to communicate, collaborate and stay organised all in one place. You can purchase apps in the market place to add more functionality, but the basic version is usable and free.

Link: Freedcamp –

5. Quick File – Quick File is free and it’s fully functional and ready to use for a small business or for personal finances. It has everything you need and can even connect you to accountants who use the system. You can use it for invoicing, payments, and reporting, and your clients even have their own client area in the cloud where they can log in a view their invoices and statements.

Link: Quick File –

6. Bitrix24 – This system is free for up to 12 users and supports unlimited projects. It can be cloud based on their server or yours, has checklists, task reports, report builders and even free Gantt charts. Manage your time better and get started for free.

Link: Bitrix24 –

7. Canva – This is a really awesome graphic software that can be used free if you want. You can upload your own images and use the free backgrounds and layouts to make really awesome blog graphics, social media graphics and more. You can also choose to buy some of their great graphics for really low prices. I use it every day, for FREE.

Link: Canva –

8. HootSuite – While many of the functions of this social media automation software are not free, you can still get quite a bank for the free account. Currently you can have up to five social media profiles, unlimited posts and participate in scheduling, use attachments and even get some analytics and reports – all for the low price of free. My business has grown since start-up so I am now a pro user – I needed far more than the five social media profiles, however being a pro user is still excellent value at £8.50 a month.

Link: –

Finding good tools and software to run your business can be challenging, and sometimes you get what you pay for. However, when it comes to free tools and software that are currently available to help you streamline your business, the 8 in this list are real winners.

Free Tools and Software

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